Working in Partnerships
“For things to change you’ve got to change ... otherwise nothing much will change”

The work we do at GROW cannot be done alone. We work supportively and co-operatively with the families and caregivers of the children, as well as with the referring school and/or agencies.



Engagement with parents/carers is fundamental to our work, particularly those who have been difficult to reach in the past. There will be an emphasis on developing trust, cooperation and shared responsibility.

Parents /carers will be required to:

  • ensure their child arrives at GROW;
  • work in partnership with GROW and both schools;
  • work towards agreed targets;
  • attend regular progress meetings.

Referring Schools and other Agencies

The referring school will:

  • have clear roles and responsibilities;
  • have clear expectations for change;
  • co-operate in all aspects, especially re-integration;
  • help support and maintain the child’s sense of belonging to them as a school.

Schools, Statutory Assessment Service, Social Care will be required to work in partnership with GROW by:

  • Keeping in touch with the child each week for the agreed period;
  • Having someone attend regular progress meetings;
  • Helping plan for the full reintegration back after the placement;
  • Looking at school context and understanding need for change when necessary.